Virtual (en ligne)

ARTE Y PROCESOMaría Antonia Ordóñez y Nora Rodríguez Vallés, dos experimentadas artistas, dialogan sobre sus experiencias, sus ricas trayectorias y su reflexión sobre arte y proceso. Nos enriquecen sus miradas...
Esta clase es una evaluación crítica individual de portafolios para admisión a la universidad. Los estudiantes se reúnen una vez por semana virtualmente con el maestro Luis Borrero para planificar una estrategia...
Dorvil art and its team will allow admirers of art and collectors of collected works from its latest collection at least twenty . Because of COVID all national and international...
Our discussion on colonial era monuments in the Caribbean cannot take place without engaging artists who think about heritage and representation in their work. Join us on Wednesday August 12,...
This workshop is specifically geared towards young artists who may have unanswered questions about navigating the Trinidad and Tobago “art scene.” I will also be sharing snippets of my own...
KAnnArt is proud to announce without further due its next online exhibition curated by Regine Cuzin. PAYSAGE by PHILIPPE THOMAREL