National Gallery West is pleased to present Surreal Black with Carla Moore. Tune in to Activist, Consultant and Influencer, Carla Moore in conversation with Assistant Curator, Monique Gilpin as they...
Though the politics of institutional recognition has taken on a renewed urgency in Canada’s creative industries, projects of recovery of archives produced by historically marginalized communities in Canada have also...
516 ARTS and Hunter East Harlem Gallery present Dust Specks on the Sea: Contemporary Sculpture from the French Caribbean & Haiti, curated by Arden Sherman with Marie Vickles and Katie...
Por primera vez, obras de la cubana Belkis Ayón (La Habana, 1967-1999) formarán parte de la Bienal de São Paulo. La cita, en su 34ª edición, se inaugurará el venidero...
Face à la ségrégation actuelle subie par la Caraïbe, poussés par l’urgence d’incarner la MAR DE ISLAS, Helen Ceballos, performeuse , photographe, vidéaste mais également productrice et responsable culturelle, Marina...
This two-part virtual class explores two ancient female deities and their mythologies from different cultures through somatic movement, story sharing and dance. Each class will focus on one archetype and...
The regional residency Caribbean Linked VI, co-managed by Ateliers ’89 (Aruba), The Fresh Milk Art Platform (Barbados) and ARC Magazine will be changing its focus this year in light of...
Reimagined: Unspoken Bodies and Spaces explores questions of individual and social identity and the uncertain terrain in-between from the perspective of three Barbadian female artists, Alanis Forde, Akilah Watts, and...
An exhibition, curated by local artists, was opened this morning in the foyer of the Division of Culture, at Sky Mall, Haggatt Hall, St. Michael. It will be on show until...
LE LIONS CLUB FORT ROYAL et la galerie d’art KRYSTEL ANN ART sont heureux de vous présenter l’exposition « Divine Féminine » dans le cadre d’une vente caritative originale, vente...